Lawn and Deer Food Plot
Need some grass seed and fertilizer? You’ll find it here. We have the famous Kupietz Deluxe Lawn Seed that is a mix of grass seed specific for this area. Stop in and check out our other mixes or buy bulk grass seed in the exact quantity you’d like. We also have a number of fertilizers to keep your lawn looking lush.
Is a flowering lawn more of what you’re looking for? We have numerous high quality Flawn options to make your lawn beautiful and help support the pollinators.
If deer food plot or pasture is more of your need, we have you covered for that too. We carry food plot seed including Chicory, Sugar Beets, and Tillage Radish to name a few. We bag it up bulk by the pound so you can get the exact amount that you want. We also carry Buck Forage Oats, forage peas, and Midwest Mass Outdoors deer mineral.
Deer Mineral
We have partnered with Midwest Mass Outdoors out of Eitzen, MN to carry their deer mineral. You’ll find four varieties of high quality deer mineral.